On this page, you will find a number of links to webinar recordings and other materials that will be of interest to our membership.
12th International Conference on Consumer Law
Reddy K V, Kumar V, Reddy V B Global Perspectives in Consumer Law Hyderabad, Gogia and NALSAR 2011
11th International Conference on Consumer Law
The Future of Consumer Credit Regulation?Creative Approaches to Emerging Problems.
Michelle Kelly-Louw, James Nehf, Peter Rott (eds.) Ashgate, 2008
9th International Conference on Consumer Law
Risk and Choice in Consumer Society.
Iain Ramsay, John Salloum, Naomi Horrox, Geoff Mowatt (eds). Ant N Sakkoulas Publishers, 2007.
8th International Conference on Consumer LawInternational Perspectives on Consumers' Access to Justice.Charles E. F. Rickett, Thomas G. W. Telfer (eds). Cambridge University Press, 2003.
7th International Conference on Consumer Law
Consumer Law in the Information Society.
Thomas Wilhelmsson, Salla Tuominen, Heli Tuomola (eds).Kluwer, 2000.
5th International Conference on Consumer Law
Consumer Law in the Global Economy: National and International Dimensions.
Iain Ramsay (ed). Ashgate, 1997.