Lawyer and Doctor in Legal and Social Sciences from the National University of La Plata, where he served as Full Professor of Civil Law-Obligations. Honorary Doctor from the National University of Córdoba (2014). Director of the Doctorate in Law program at the National University of Mar del Plata (2014). Collaborator on the drafting Commission of the National Civil and Commercial Code (2011). Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Consumer Law (London, 2006-2015). Author/co-author/director of books on Obligations, Contracts, Consumer Law, Civil Liability and Insurance, including *Tratado de derecho del consumidor* (Treatise on Consumer Law), 4 volumes (2015), *La defensa del consumidor en Argentina* (Consumer Protection in Argentina) (2012), *Contratos civiles y comerciales* (Civil and Commercial Contracts), Vol. II (2010-2015), *Contratos por adhesión* (Contracts of Adhesion) (2012), among others. Co-director of the journals *Derecho comercial y de las obligaciones* (Commercial Law and Obligations) (2015) and *Derecho comercial, del consumidor y de la empresa* (Commercial, Consumer and Business Law) (2010).