New Mexico: Teaching Consumer Law Conference 2016

Call for Papers:

Teaching Consumer Law in Our Popular Culture and Social Media

Teaching Consumer Law Conference – Santa Fe, New Mexico, 20 & 21 May 2016

The Center for Consumer Law at the University of Houston Law Center, in cooperation with the University of New Mexico School of Law, is organizing its eighth international law teaching conference. The subject is “Teaching Consumer Law in Our Popular Culture and Social Media. The Conference will be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the “City Different,” one of the most interesting cities in the United States.

The Conference will focus on traditional issues of consumer law, as well as how, if at all, the teaching of consumer law should be affected by popular culture and social media. The Conference is directed at those currently teaching or interested in teaching consumer law at the law school or college level. A discussion of prior Conferences may be found at:;;

The 2016 conference will deal with themes such as:

  • How should we integrate the increased use of social media into a consumer law course?
  • What innovations can we bring to the consumer law classroom to reflect popular culture?
  • Does we need more consumer regulation, or less? What is the impact in the US of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and how do you teach it?
  • Are there innovative ways to resolve consumer problems?  What are other countries doing?
  • How can we teach the multitude of subjects encompassed within the term “consumer law”?
  • International consumer law developments and innovations.
  • How do we deal with intra-state and intra-national consumer transactions?
  • Update on an area of consumer law.

Papers and presentations are invited on any of the above themes, or any other topic related to the teaching of consumer law. Proposed topics may discuss the law of any jurisdiction; however, the emphasis is on topics of interest to law school professors and those with an interest in entering the profession.

Those who wish to submit a paper or presentation topic are invited to forward a proposal including a brief abstract of not longer than 400 words and contact information for the author. The proposals should be sent to Richard M. Alderman at Proposals should be submitted no later than 15 January 2016. Authors will be promptly notified of acceptance. Final drafts of the papers that are to be included in the Conference materials are to be forwarded not later than the 1st of May 2016. The language of the conference is English. Conference registration fees will be waived for all presenters. Some scholarships are available for travel and room costs. Selected papers will be published in the Journal of Consumer and Commercial Law,

If you are not sure about a proposal, but simply want to be placed on our mailing list for more information about the Conference, visit